Theatre Score / Sound Design
Directed by Danielle Lavallée
Written by Nick Payne
"One relationship. Infinite possibilities.
In the beginning Marianne and Roland meet at a party. They go for a drink, or perhaps they don't. They fall madly in love and start dating, but eventually they break up. After a chance encounter in a supermarket they get back together, or maybe they run into each other and Marianne reveals that she's now engaged to someone else and that's that. Or perhaps Roland is engaged. Maybe they get married, or maybe their time together will be tragically short." (Source)
Performance History:
• SFU School for the Contemporary Arts, Fall 2015
The Governor of the Dew
Theatre Score / Sound Design
Directed by Deneh'Cho Thompson
Written by Floyd Favel
"The Governor of the Dew emerged from a story that the playwright Floyd Favel’s mother told him. The nostalgia of this marvelous world is carried by three characters: the narrator, his mother and the old woman Rosie. A story that the old beaver tells Rosie is tragic: the white woman whom he had brought with him into the cabin had made all of the beavers sick. All the members of his family are dead except himself. His love had caused the demise of his people. The play evokes in filigree the story of the population of the Canadian west and the consequences for the Cree people – sickness and death." (Source)
Performance History:
• SFU School for the Contemporary Arts, Fall 2014