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"Two Halves" (2016)

For oboe, cello, bass clarinet, & electronics

Choreography by Samantha Green

I. bound (acoustic)

II. severance

III. all one (acoustic)


Performance History:

• Ascension (December 8-10th, 2016) – SFU School for the Contemporary Arts

Chelsea DesLauriers & Kayla DeVos, dance


"Inevitable" (2015)

Electroacoustic score for dance

Choreography by Megan Friesen


Performance History:

• Virtual Soundscapes (April 2016) – electroacoustic works curated by Barry Truax

• West Coast Student Composers' Symposium (February 2016)

Megan Friesen & Tin Gamboa, dance

• The Living Archive (November 2015) – The Anvil Centre, New Westminster, BC

Megan Friesen & Tin Gamboa, dance

They couldn't speak, but their eyes were very eloquent.
There were piles of bodies there, and some of them were breathing.
You'd forgotten you could have certain things.


– words of New Westminster resident Jean Dorgan,

    recalling her experiences as a nurse during WWII.

"Five Stories All At Once" (2015)

Sound piece for 5 speakers – 7 minutes


Each speaker was assigned a recording of an interview with an elderly New Westminster resident. The interviews consisted of stories from World War II veterans, and accounts of life in Vancouver in the early 20th century. All 5 speakers played these interviews at the same time. Occasionally, various voices were highlighted by having every speaker play the same voice. The interviews were also digitally chopped up and spliced together in order to create an abstract narrative for the 5 voices, which were otherwise unrelated.

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